Always a busy day

Shannon LancasterLynn Commons









Always a busy day here at VLK! Lynn and I are busy getting everything ready for the upcoming class starting November 9 and the VLK Christmas festivities. On a side note, how many of you out there email the wrong person the wrong message ? WOW, first timer here! Shannon and I enjoyed our lunch, so much it almost killed me (Lynn). We sampled food from our new "Red Rocket Bar and Grill" and we sampled fish taco's. Shannon said " here try some chicken taco's" (not realizing it was FISH). Long story short, I'm allergic to fish. I took one bite and instantly had a lisp. But at the end of the day, books are finished, certificates were mailed, and phones were answered!

All in all a great day at VLK! Shannon & Lynn

AKA -Pinky and the Brain